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DISCLOSURES: Income Tax Consultants Pty. Limited, ABN 84 002 084 666 is a holder of Limited Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 489011). Sheriff Iskander is an Authorised Representative of Income Tax Consultants Pty. Limited, ABN 84 002 084 666. The information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives and you should seek the assistance of your financial advisor before you make any decisions. Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Income Tax Consultants Pty. Limited, ABN 84 002 084 666 (AFSL 489011), employees or agents shall be liable on any ground whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information. All claims are made based on the a typical financial situation your situation may be different.

At Alexanders, we cater to all of your auditing requirements. Our Audit and Business Services Manager is a Registered Company Auditor, Australian Chartered Accountant, member of the CPA, and has extensive experience with various multinational firms.

Our auditors carry out statutory audits for the following:
• Not for profit organizations, including government funded bodies.
• Small to medium sized private companies
• Subsidiaries of foreign owned companies
• Registered Clubs and Charities
• Solicitors Trust Accounts
• Real Estate Trust Accounts

By law, most small to medium sized business do not require an audit. We have found that many businesses this size like to conduct an audit to micromanage certain parts of their business.

Performance Audits involve the review and documentation of internal controls and processes to determine how efficiently your business is performing internally.

This type of audit covers areas such as:
• Benchmarking and efficiency reviews
• Review of accounting systems, set-up and on going support
• Documenting policy and procedures in an office manual
• Advice on the GST and review of Business Activity Statements, workshops and presentations to the board, senior management, and staff on various topics, and providing assistance with budget forecasts and cash flows.

You will receive professional service from experienced staff that will meet all audit deadlines, give advice on taxation matters, and present financial information to the board. You will be able to deal directly with our Registered Auditor, which means that your audit will be conducted in the most expedient manner possible.