Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
DISCLOSURES: Income Tax Consultants Pty. Limited, ABN 84 002 084 666 is a holder of Limited Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 489011). Sheriff Iskander is an Authorised Representative of Income Tax Consultants Pty. Limited, ABN 84 002 084 666. The information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives and you should seek the assistance of your financial advisor before you make any decisions. Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, no warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Income Tax Consultants Pty. Limited, ABN 84 002 084 666 (AFSL 489011), employees or agents shall be liable on any ground whatsoever with respect to decisions or actions taken as a result of you acting upon such information. All claims are made based on the a typical financial situation your situation may be different.

One of our most beneficial services is the analysis of Interim Accounts for Taxation Planning. We aim to establish the financial position and profitability of your business before the end of each financial year, and offer proactive advice which ensures that issues are identified early, and problem areas addressed immediately. This enables planning for management and taxation purposes. We also ensure that appropriate reconciliations have been performed on accounts that are critical to taxation, and that the appropriate taxes have been paid up to date.

By planning for the future, we can save you significant time and money.

Do you fully understand all of the different types of entity structures? Common entity types include sole-traders, partnerships, discretionary trusts, unit trusts, companies and self-managed super funds. The type of entity used affects a great deal of variables including reporting criteria, tax levels, establishment and annual fees. If you aren’t aware of all the different options, you may be spending more time and money than necessary.

We have extensive experience in complex structures. Over 60% of our clients have 2 or more entities and our affiliated tax lawyer is one of only 5 tax lawyers in NSW accredited by The Law Society. He is able to evaluate the legal structure of your company, and advise you on how it could be configured in the most tax efficient way.

Having the right structure can ensure that:

  • your assets are protected
  • you are using the most cost effective alternative
  • you are protected from personal liability
  • you are complying with legal requirements